The Voice
Photo By Sam Moqadam
“He ran to Eli and said, ”Here I am, for you called me.” But Eli said, “I did not call you; lie down again.” So he went and lay down.” 1 Samuel 3:5 AMP
Recently, the Lord told me to read this chapter of 1 Samuel. It never ceases to amaze me the beauty of the inspired word of God and how the Holy Spirit reveals new revelations each time that I would read portions of scriptures that I would consider “familiar”.
When we read with the Holy Spirit, He reads to us.
In this widely known passage of scripture Samuel as a young boy had never heard the voice of the Lord because it was so rare in those days. He was a ‘servant of the Lord under the supervision of Eli’. (Reads Verse 1) The most amazing part from my recent reading of this passage is the connection between God’s voice and Eli’s voice that Young Samuel heard.
Three times Young Samuel went to Eli because he thought that Eli called him when really it was God speaking to Young Samuel.
Why did the voice of God sound like Eli’s voice?
I would like to propose to you that God often speaks to us through familiar voices. His first language is not English, He is the interpreter of dreams(a type of spiritual language), and many times He does not necessarily use words to speak to us. He may use pictures.
The man who was supervising Young Samuel was the voice that God chose to use to speak to Young Samuel for the first time. Eli had unconfronted issues that he refused to confront and he would eventually suffer the consequence for that decision which says he was not perfect but God still used his voice.
Now I am not saying that everyone who has oversight over you hears from God or is even being used by God to speak to you. The point that I am mainly trying to get to you is that I believe God uses familiar voices to speak to you on a regular basis that seems so common that you may mistake them for random thoughts.
What would it look like if you embraced those thoughts and asked God, ‘what are You saying to me through this?”
PS: One last note for those of you in places of authority notice in the chapter how Eli redirected Young Samuel to the Voice of God. Spiritual leaders always direct those they are leading to God. Paul said, “follow me, as I follow Christ”. We are our best selves when we are submitted to the voice of the Holy Spirit in EVERY area of our life.
Point people to Jesus.