Holy Matrimony

An Interesting set of words! We used to use those words when describing the covenant between a man and women for the exchanging of vows (I still do) during the marriage ceremony. Words are powerful or a least can be if you are honest when using them. Let’s start with the word Holy for instance. What does holy mean? In the biblical context it meant set apart for special use…. dedicated or consecrated to…. devoted to…. How about matrimony, what does it mean? It is the state of or ceremony of marriage. Marriage is a covenant made between two individuals (a male and a female, just in case you are wondering). This covenant is sealed with three things. One, is the exchanging of vows, which is one’s solemn oath or promise. The second is the exchanging of rings which is a sign of the covenant one has made with the other. The final seal is the signature that one puts on the governmental document or marriage license which, in the state of Louisiana, the contracting parties must sign before a minister and two witnesses.

So, what I am I saying? I am stirring you up by way of reminder, that your (ours) words are who you (we) are. You are the sum of the words you have spoken; Your words are your bond or a least should be. Marriage is covenant of dedication, devotion, a consecration of our lives to one another, they are our solemn vow or promise, they are our word to our spouse that we will be devoted and dedicated to them through good times and bad, for better or worse, in sickness and health “for as long as we both shall live”. It is our promise too…. love…. each other until death parts us.

So, what do you do when things don’t turn out the way you envisioned them? I could tell you what God says and give you few thoughts of my own and then you must decide what you will do with those “words”, those words you have spoken to God, to your spouse, the government, before your minister and the witnesses that observed. You decide and trust God to fill you with His love.

Love can be hard at times; it can be very challenging, but love is charity, something given from one to another, even without reciprocating benefit. When love is mutually shared it is amazing!

Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love.

~ Paul the apostle

I’ll leave you with some words from Jesus. “…. return to your first love.” “Remember where you got off track” and begin again, who knows where LOVE will lead you.

~ pastor Tim

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Prayer page — Vineyard Moss Bluff (vineyardmb.org)




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