Soul saved, System slave
photo by Keith
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.
-Romans 12:2
Your soul may be saved by Jesus but your mind can still be bound by systems that do not support your prospering soul.
When you became a believer by receiving Jesus as your Lord & Savior you were “saved”, as we say in the south. The book of Colossians says that we were transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.
Many peoples’ soul is saved but their mind is bound by the world’s way of doing things. This is why God tells us through the book of Romans to allow our minds to be renewed by the word of God.
Where we lack God’s thinking, we will not experience His power.
One of the reasons why racism, poverty, and so many more injustices have been able to exist is that we, as the church, have allowed our souls to be saved but refused to allow our minds to be transformed by the PERFECT will of God. We say poorly theological statements like the “permissible” will of God to try to comfort ourselves from what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us to stand up for.
This type of living causes us to be powerless carnal thinkers rather than powerful ambassadors of Christ.
Our refusal to allow Jesus to be the Lord of our lives has caused us to be slaves to a system that Jesus died to rescue us from.
Believers exist to bring Heaven to Earth.
We can only do this by allowing our minds to be transformed by His Word.
His word is His will.
A few ways to do this is the following:
Read the written word of God.
Make it a habit and learn to love reading the Word of God. You can train yourself to love the Word of God by simply allowing the Holy Spirit to read it to you. Do not rush through scripture, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to read, how to read, and when to read.
There have been times in my life where God has kept me in one book for YEARS! I would read other parts of the bibles but when I would read what He told me to read I would read with a little more intention. I would listen longer, I would acknowledge His presence more, and simply just enjoy those moments way more.
2. Let Jesus be Lord
We have to allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives if we want to reap the benefits of His Kingdom. Much of our thinking is limited because we do not allow the Holy Spirit in those parts of our minds. We allow our past experiences to dictate our present moments instead of letting the Word of God redefine who we are. The Blood of Jesus does way more than save you for eternity. The Blood of Jesus saves and transforms, it makes you dangerous to the powers of darkness.
3. Surrender to the Holy Spirit
You can learn from some of the most amazing people of God, read, and pray 5 times a day but somewhere in your journey with Jesus, you will have to respond with action. As you respond there will be a transformation in your life. Sometimes very drastic and sometimes overtime. As you are transformed in the mind your prosperous soul that was purchased by the death of Jesus will begin to impact EVERY area of your life.
In the Kingdom of God, we do not grow by striving, we grow by surrender to the perfect will of the Father.